
I’m obsessed with writing. I pretty much have been for a very long time. Decades, in fact. And with that cup of coffee at the ready and an apple or two nearby.

I use that experience to help your B2B company, marketing department, and sales team realize results that generate more leads, sales, and revenue. And who wouldn’t want to be a thought leader in their industry?

I’m a seasoned copywriter with thousands of content projects ranging from white papers to ebooks to blog posts.

I’ve written and copyedited for leading enterprises like HP, Trend Micro, Welcom Software, Syntel, O2, and Kable, plus many other companies like Responsify, CPR Online, Accuvise, Viveve, iolo technologies, and Lobster Marketing. I’ve also been published in The World and I/The World and I Online, Projects@Work, and projectmanagment.com.

Before becoming an independent marketing copywriter, I was a senior business content writer for Thomson Reuters, an analyst and editor for The Good Software Guide, and Director of Public Relations for iolo technologies. I also taught creative writing at the secondary school level. I hold a B.S. in Biology from Marywood University and have done postgraduate work in Chemistry and Secondary Education.

Enough about me. Let’s chat over a cup of coffee (virtual or otherwise). I’ll bring the apples (or a tasty apple fritter).